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Comfort Zone

Posted by Sumitra Puri - -

"The biggest barrier in our ways of leading to a path we are ought and sought to take is our Comfort Zone!!"

"My Heart’s full of Wishes,

Wishes of all pleasant Dreams,

Dreams that are very Rare,

Rare enough to be There."

Dreams are something we all are built upon. We dream day in day out and we dream of anything and everything. We dream of where we want to reach, what we want to achieve, how much we wish to acquire, what we aspire to be, and all other unsolved, unattended, unanswered queries of our inner conscious.

We pray in every moment of our being, to let us fulfill our dreams, and as soon as a tiny one gets fulfilled we switch ourselves and embrace the next biggie in our prayers. But apart from the spiritual aspect of God’s grace and the fact that one receives whatever one truly deserves and only at the most right moment of it being supposed to be received, we seldom are able to convince ourselves to stretch our boundaries, and to make that slightest of the extra effort that is required to do the due justice to the actual fact that how much do we long for our dreams.

Have we ever given it a thought that though we wish something to happen so desperately, we still find ourselves not fully committed towards it? We find something deep inside us lacking which is required prominently to let ourselves lead into anything we long with our full exertion. What exactly is that something which doesn’t allow us to follow the path we had always dreamt of walking upon since the day we saw it? What stops us? What….?

The answer is we ourselves. The biggest barrier in our ways of leading to a path we are ought and sought to take is our “Comfort Zone”!!

We as humans have this wonderfully uncanny knack of adjusting, and trying to get back to the state we are familiar with. We have the tendencies to fine-tune. We can’t remain in hyper excited states for too often. We like settlements and adjustments. As soon as we experience any minutest of changes in the smallest of particles associated with the big bang journeys of our lives, we start the process of trying to make things the way we are used to of them. Change is the only constant that can ever be associated with all of us. Still because of the fear of something absolutely unknown, unrealistic and imaginary, we try not to come out of the shells that we build around ourselves, unknowingly. The shell is nothing but our ‘Comfort zone’!!

Comfort zone could easily be a physical place we are staying in, an emotional attachment, a spiritual bend or even a superficial, skeptical, superstitious notion of our mighty powerful thought process. It could be anything we could associate and attach ourselves with. We love our comfort zones. We just adore them so much that many a times because of the seemingly apparent stability and security these zones tend to offer us; we find it very hard to break these shells and dare to wake, rise, stand and move towards the directions of our very own personal sun rises.

To leave a secured high income job to start our own business, because all you always wanted was to be your own boss, but no, job is offering you a wonderful comfort zone which is not easy to be broken as said, business as it was the closest of the dreams, is still waiting for realization. To add to it we do not stop cribbing about the problems of the job and bosses. Or may be at home, there are some unresolved issues with your companion, which you always try to avoid. And never and in no condition want to accept that yes, there is some issue worth considering, discussing and resolving (probably last step would get complete on its own if we do the first two). We do not want to believe that we could be at fault, or even to accept the partner the way s/he is. May be all we have to do is, to go out a little from our comfort zone, that we have been into for last say 25 years, and everything else will by default fall into places on its own.

Like this there exist several other desires which are always there in our wishes but are yet to see the light of the day and are waiting a push of our efforts that we could make one day to leave aside our comfort zones, and do justice to our own inner selves. If we step back and take just two minutes with ourselves, we would be able to determine what we want. Actually…

And what is required to fulfill the ‘wish’. Only if we could just be a little braver and that too only for our own good, and could trust our natural instinct and keep a faith in our own abilities without putting too much apprehension and suspicion over the results of our untaken steps, we surely could lead ourselves into the much deserving, much desirable, much exceptional places of our own existences and identities we have always wanted to conquer.

Come on…,

Stand, and see, that what you might be leaving behind is not even remotely akin to what you could be offering to yourself. Don’t let yourself wait for something you are meant for, just because you are not able to shrug off the illusive comfort of a non existent phony zone. Be erect; try to know what you are, what you want and what you are doing for that want. Take a deep breath and accept your own self, it shall take just a few seconds and you will be relieved of the biggest of saddles of your life. Life will essentially be ‘life’ then.

Break Out…and Reach !!

Please… !!! Do at least this much for yourself.

You will never be thankful enough for this, to yourself.

- By Arun Arora. 

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