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Sleep EAT Sit EAT & DIE

Posted by Sumitra Puri - -

Some time ago, lets say one year ago you painted the town in your new colorful dresses on a perfectly shaped body. You kept the ball rolling with shopping spree but this time got jarred seeing three size plus on you!! Dear, time to get wind of the bitter truth, You are overweight now!! 

Lets find out how you got that extra flab around:-

- You work for 8-10 hrs. sitting job, travel back home by mechanical comforts for another 1-2 hours!  
(If not working, stay at home, some house chores, babble with friends while munching cheesey bits, laptop/television/eating frequently/3-4 cups of tea/coffee, or two beer!)

- Then you reach home, switch on the Television/laptop and snuggle in couch or bed after food and drinks!
- During the day, had breakfast with coffee/milk/juice (minimum 400 calories). Lunch time meal (800 calories minimum), rounds of Tea/coffee (200 calories minimum). Sweetened beverages,cokes etc (300 calories minimum), Evening snacks and beer (500 Calories minimum, eve snacks are usually fried), Dinner and drinks (800 calories minimum) = 3000 calories/day, an average diet.

*By an average diet we mean you are aware what you are eating!! Unaware ones consume more than 4000 calories a day!! Undeniably frightening, but your figures ain't good too!     

So, You take minimum 3000 calories per day. Nearly 1500 calories adequately suffice in your current comfortable lifestyle.  But what did you do about the rest of the Calories???? Any work out?? Some stretches? Gymming or Swimming? Walk? NO!!! So think where rest of the 1500 calories gone?? 

Lets find out how & where rest of non utilized food energy (calories) gone:-

- The food which is not consumed/burned by our body is unwanted energy turns into nothing but Fat. 

- Fat doesn't dissolve easily, doesn't transform itself into useful energy to regulate our life phenomenon. It does nothing but stores itself on muscles and slowly, it moves into our blood, veins and arteries!

- And if we continue the same life style for months, fat layers on our muscles & arteries dwells deep to make a permanent home! Like us, fat also expands family :). 

- Fat multiplies and grows its cells and always welcomes new fat by creating cravings for more fatty food, also called hormone Cortisol in medical term.

- And grows into bigger family and with years there are infinite fat families living permanently under our muscles, mostly in tummy, hips, thighs and upper body!! 

The unused fat lying inside our body is world's number one assassin who's gonna kill you soon!! Before doom's day, such things happens to you:-

- You spend days/nights in worries and depression!

- You lose confidence about your looks and avoid social interactions!

- You suffer from physical conditions, most common is Heart Disease!

- You get unbalanced hormones, followed by eating disorders, body malfunctions!

- Anger, relationships jeopardized, career at stake, family disoriented etc etc!

- Vital body organs starts showing signs of failure!

- One organ damaged, another, and so on!

- Your survival expectancy diminishes!

SO is this you want from your life? 

Is earning, eating, drinking & sleeping only purpose of your life?

Will you compromise on the benefits of health life offering you just because of falsely tasty fatty bites?

Don't you wanna be confident that you fit in each dress you wish to wear?

Don't you go through the guilt of ignoring yourself all these years?

Don't you wanna climb up the mountains and what about boating in a blue peaceful lake?

And biking/hiking in leafy woods?

Don't you wanna feel intoxicated when you breathe in the valley of flowers?

Any contribution in the lives of those who need a helping hand?

Any dreams of finding the perfect partner, feeling first touch of your baby, seeing her growing and becoming grandparents and tell stories to your grandchildren and being their role model?

To be able to make life worth living, you gotta be active & healthy!!

The passage to healthy, active and beautiful life can be walked upon by TASK:-

Tick the wishlist. There's so much in life to experience. 
Avoid fatty/sugary food and sitting for long hours! 
Start Exercising, walking, running, cycling, swimming, biking, hiking etc!
Keep record of daily calorie intake! Check on food packets & google for calorie counts!


-Sumitra Puri.

*Skeleton Photo by highfructosecornsyrup.org

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