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Home Remedies for good health.

Posted by Sumitra Puri - -

 By Dr. Bhavana Sheth

"Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint''  -Mark Twain


Well, home remedies are similar too! They abound endlessly but you will have to take a call which one is suitable for you. It is very important that each of us knows what allergies or sensitivities are a part of our constitution. Also before starting any food or regime please consult your family physician and also keep them posted at regular intervals. Here are some basic needs and routines one should follow everyday:

"A healthy outside starts from the inside". -Robert Urich
5 Foods that will build health and immunity,

Fruits: The suggested quantity is 2 medium sized bowls of fruit in a day.
Salads & Greens: This could include salads and green leafy vegetables like spinach.
Dried fruits and nuts: Especially Walnuts, almonds and dates.
Carbohydrates: to be taken especially an hour before working out.
Proteins: Good sources are egg-whites, chicken, fish and cottage cheese.

There are certain lifestyle changes which will help you maintain good health. They are,

A good night’s sleep – 7-8 hours a day.
Small but frequent meals; a good method will be to eat a small portion every 2 hrs.
Regular times for meals and sleep.
Avoid smoking and alcohol.
Exercise regularly at least 3-4 times a week.

If you need instant energy the things that will help you are,

Freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice.
Coconut water.
Fresh lime water with sugar and salt.
Dried fruits, especially dates.
Protein bars or shakes.

Drinking about 8-10 glasses of water in a day has a few rewards and they are,

Soft and hydrated skin.
Delay in wrinkling of skin with age.
Easy digestion of food.
Relief in constipation.
Protection from urine infection.

Regulate your inside health with above mentioned routine, we'll come back with more.  

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