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KRA - 'Key Result Area'- A Practical Solution To Free Country From Corruption.

Posted by Sumitra Puri - -

A Corruption Solution Summary By Arun Arora 

The current Indian political scenario is the worst it has been since its inception. But what is it, that is making the politics and politicians go so pathetic? What has happened to the people who are responsible for governing the nation, and made them so week on their knees that they themselves are unable to stand on feet. What should be done that our leaders accomplish the tasks of designing, executing and implementing path breaking policies?

The answer lies in the corporate world. India Inc. is achieving and surpassing awesome targets which at times seem unrealistic. How is corporate world making its growth so prominent? The magic word is ‘KRA’.

‘Key Result Areas’  

Every employee, even the smallest one in terms of designation and authority, is assigned a well-defined job in hand. S/he is allotted a limited time frame, the famous expression called ‘the lead time’ to perform and deliver results. The results are compared to the already set, predefined, predesigned, well communicated targets. Any deviation is thoroughly studied and worked upon. There exists an appraisal process at the end of a fixed time frame, usually bi-annual, to analyze the performance and, reward or stick the concerned, based on the KRAs achieved.

Here is the catch, when every small company can function in such tremendously organized manner, why the biggest functioning body that is supposed to function to let everybody else be functional, is not adopting the system. Why our ministers can’t be bound and directed by their roles and not by their names.   

A Cartoon By Abhishek Tiwari

Why can’t an MP/MLA be elected on probation basis. When corporates hire someone, it is always a temporary employment with direct mention in the contract (offer letter) that the company reserves the right to expel if you are not found ‘appropriate’. The probationary period varies from 6 months to a year. After the said period, the company evaluates the performance of the new joinee and decides accordingly whether to retain him for the future or not. 

Why can’t this be the case with our Electoral system? The MPs and MLAs should be elected for a probationary period. Their KRAs should be meticulously defined. Their work should be questioned on completion of probation and accordingly be given a red or green signal consequently. 

Further they should be appraised every year, based on the same KRAs. If they pass, handsome rewards will follow; else they should be shown the same door from where they were made to enter. 

When a salaried employee cannot consider a job permanent on his own, how are we giving a ‘servant’ a permanent job without even getting to know what work s/he is undertaking once elected, forget about evaluating the same. We certainly cannot afford such leniencies in this country, especially now. 

A Cartoon By Shankar Pamarthy

Nobody can be authorized without fixing responsibility, another fundamental management rule. Defining the role of every chosen leader, confirming them on the basis of their probationary performance, appraising them every year, treating everyone on merit, and defining KRAs could only make people who are key to the growth and success of our nation, stop doing ‘nothing’ and faking ‘everything’ to doing ‘something’.  

Hire them, try them, test them, finalize them for being result oriented, check them, recheck them, assign them tasks, fix targets, ask for report card at the end of the assigned tenure, reward them for performing and definitely punish them for each and every nonperformance whatsoever. Nobody is forever and we are not here to be taken for granted. We have been lame ducks; we need to be roaring tigers. 

Let KRAs, not politicians, rule this country…

By Arun Arora

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