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Mercedes-Benz Fashion Festival, Brisbane : MODEL TALK !

Posted by Sumitra Puri - -

Like each year, some of the most beautiful and talented young models in the country were present at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Festival – Brisbane. True to form, they graced catwalks with elegance and poise and a few cheeky grins, and without them out thriving festival would not be possible. We asked a couple of the experts some questions about themselves and their experience of working as part of our team. Lets meet Matisse..

Model: Matisse from Vivien’s Models

1. How old are you and where are you from?
I’m 23 and I was born in Fiji, but I moved to Australia when I was 15. I moved to Sydney from Brissy about six months ago so I could further my career.

2. Any secret health or beauty “tricks of the trade” you’ve learnt on the job?
Taking all my makeup off at the end of the day, getting plenty of sleep and drinking loads of water.  It sounds so simple, and you hear it all the time, but I didn’t realize how much of a difference those small measures really made until I started modeling and prescribing to the regime religiously. 

3. Tell us about backstage during the festival?
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Festival – Brisbane is an absolute pleasure.  Backstage is always a bit chaotic, but so are all the big shows and there’s such a friendly vibe here and for me it’s like a big family reunion. The Brisbane girls are darlings and it’s awesome having an excuse for a giant, week-long catch-up.  

4. Which shows were you most looking forward to walking in?
I was super excited about the Swimwear Group Show at Streets Beach.  Unfortunately it rained, which was a little disappointing but the Swimwear shows are always fun because we get to be a bit cute, ham it up a little and there’s always a great energy on the runway.  I think in the end it was still a great show and loads of fun.

5. Of all the designers showing at the festival this year, which is your favourite?
I can’t really pick one! Every year Brisbane’s designers pull together the most exciting collections – pieces that are unique and edgy and different to anything else you might see.  There’s so much talent here and I love that as models, in our small way, we’re helping it be recognised on a national stage.

-Sumitra Puri

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