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The Beauty - What Men Say

Posted by Sumitra Puri - -

Addressing External Vs Internal beauty has always been a subject of disputation. We Women are the largest consumers of Fashion and Beauty products. However its always been criticized the way women cover themselves under the layers of chemical beauty products and plastic. Men and Women, both have their own ideology in this context. In this issue, we have brought you an insight of Men about the matter that touches our chords.     

Real beauty - from a very old liner that I have been hearing since my childhood.."Mohobbat surat se nahin sirat se ki jati hai"(Love is all about a beautiful heart, not looks), I would say that beauty comes from within and its something close to nature. So being beautiful is being natural. And I read about beauty somewhere that by an Italian painter, named Carlotti, he defined ''Beauty is the summation of the parts working together in such a way that nothing needed to be added, taken away or altered". So beauty is something which is perfect, and there is nothing perfect than nature.   So be natural to be beautiful !!

Bhupendra Khabrani
28, IT Professional
Sydney, Australia

"Beauty is such a flexible term which can be molded by each individual in his own way. It is rightly said “that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder".

In my considered view, the beauty which we acknowledge and understand is of two types: one is Physical Beauty i.e. the body characteristic, complexion, features etc. of the person and the second one is Inner or Eternal Beauty which is intangible and indescribable, the inference of which can only be drawn by the  behaviour, conduct etc. of the person.

Indeed, as a matter of fact, in general, we all always give importance to the physical beauty of person and at the first instance, judge a person by his presented beauty only. Though it is inappropriate to judge someone from his or her appearance, but we are practically doing it all the time when meeting someone new.

One must not misunderstand the term ‘attractive’ and ‘beautiful’ as there is a very thin line difference between them. A person may be attractive though he may not beautiful and vice-versa.

Physical beauty does not last forever, it may help you to be a center of attraction or may give you a sense of satisfaction for a while that you are special among others but at the end of the day, for me the real beauty of any person is his character, which is timeless, eternal and everlasting.

Ajay Sharma
33, Lawyer
New Delhi, India

Women... As the name itself has, they are someones made to woo men. But whats that in a woman that makes her so very desirable, so needed, so enviable and so sought-after. Its her beauty, her being beautiful, in the realest sense of the word. A woman's real beauty lies in her attitude. Attitude towards life, attitude towards love, attitude towards people, attitude towards her own self and attitude towards God. Her attitude towards these 5 attributes which make life worth living, determines how beautiful she is going to look to the eyes of the beholder. So for me beauty doesn't lie in what clothes she wears or what perfume she carries or what hairstyle she has, but it lies in what color of glasses she puts on her approach while dealing with the 'big 5' mentioned above.

Arun Arora
28, Retailing
Mumbai, India

Beauty lies within. Its woman's intelligence, warmth, determination, strength, generosity and spirit that define her beauty. What is within is always the foundation for what is on the surface and what can be seen by others. The qualities within are reflected on the way in which she carries and represent herself. Her style, elegance, walk are all a product of what lies beneath. As a young man, I believe that what is within determines what can be seen on the surface. The level of confidence, determination, and strength of a woman can be detected in the way she stands, walks and expresses through her eyes. Her generosity and warmth is in her eyes and gestures as she interacts with others. This is universal to woman and man. The artwork of the external can be misleading. A more accurate measure of what lies beneath, is the external in action; body language, movement and so forth.

Sam Almaliki
20, Student, Community Worker
Founder of Junior Cricket Association
Sydney, Australia.

Editor's say:- Very interesting, according to Men, the artwork out on face and body could be misleading. The Real Beauty lies hidden under layers of foundations and compacts. So Ladies, next time when you are spelling the cast of your colorful lips and curled lashes, be aware, Men is looking into your eyes onto the other surface, deep down under. 

But then why each woman loves to have her chest full of colors in her dressing room. For what women spend fortune on marketed promises kept on shelves of stores? Is that something our personalities desire for. Can our outer appearance reveals what we inside are? Yes, certainly yes. If its said that choice of color and clad exhibits a person's disposition, so can nail paint, lipstick and eye shadow.

The objects of Men or Women's desires are illustrations of our personalities - our inner self.  The world on other side has to know the Myth that we hide ourselves under makeup. We rather flaunt our attitude, charisma, curves & contours. We can be panache being natural. We are seductresses with sacred hearts. And when we are home, take chemical layers off our face, we are still beautiful. Because, at home, we are mothers, daughters, sisters, and life partners.

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