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Physics of Hearts

Posted by Sumitra Puri - -

Humans are complex. The first trait that we can associate with the species called human beings is complexity. We all are framed in the manner of being unpredictably exclusive. We all have certain sets of distinguished parameters that differentiate us completely from our peers. These parameters could include both physical and mental, race and religion, cast and tradition, and actual and virtual aspects of life.

We react differently to same situations and behave in quite similar manner to varying scenarios. We, as human beings, are a very thought after creation. We have multiple sets of rules and regulations, principles and guidelines, experiences and learning that steer us across the journeys we undertake. Across the sole journey of what in simple (or for that matter complex) terms can be called ‘Life’, we develop affection towards certain people, we like certain things, we appreciate certain sets of behaviors and we follow certain norms to set ourselves through. But we never wonder that there exists one force that is responsible for all these wonderful happenings, that is the foundation of our existence. We understand that intangible unseen might as something we have a very strong sense of bonding with…Feelings.

Feelings are the reactions our body, heart, mind and soul generate when we are confronted with anything. We feel. We do feel for all the things around us.

Things we could see, we couldn’t, we could listen, we couldn’t, we could or couldn't talk and all we could live with or without. Whatever we do, feelings are always associated with our day today activities. Say for example even if we are going to sleep, which in itself is quite a natural phenomenon. Feelings are there in that as well. Just remember what do we say when we have to sleep…

“I am feeling sleepy.”

That means even when we want not to do anything, we are actually feeling for it.

Feelings are the basic building blocks we develop ourselves upon. We are and we actually become what we feel about ourselves and what we feel about others. As humans we feel a lot and we feel explicitly.

Feelings are manifold. They could be of positive synergy as well as negative magnitude. They are small enough not to be even recognized or big enough to change the course of life. We as humans have the tendency to fall for negativity quite easily. As positivism requires efforts, we find it difficult at times to synchronize the channels of our energy and work towards our goal. We develop feelings that narrows and shrinks our perspective. We get into our own shells. We feel insecure and we feel jealous. Jealous from people, their achievements, their findings, their possessions, their attitudes, their existence and even their worth.

When we are made separately in terms of attributes and options, behavior and skill sets, intelligence and talents; we keep this aside and still like to see and compare ourselves with others. Whenever we go to a restaurant, we love to eat what our neighbor's plate has in it. We do not seem to get satisfied with what we have got. We are born with a feeling of jealous.

We don’t get happier enough by seeing our happiness in comparison to when we get happy by seeing others sorrows. Jealousy comes from a low sense of self esteem and low confidence level. When we are not contented enough about our own self we see others better than us and we feel jealous.

But even jealousy at times could lead to fruitful paths if it is tamed and directed accordingly. Jealousy could be motivational as well, where one could draw out inspiration and exhausts oneself completely to overcome certain barriers which he has seen others of his caliber doing.

Jealousy could be a driving force behind love. Or for that context love could be a root cause for jealousy. We feel jealous when the person we love gets attracted to or is liked by someone else. We get a strong sense of pinch that who is ours cannot be of somebody else’s.

Jealously makes us over protective and too possessive making the love of our life to be completely shadowed. The seeking of right channel is so strong that we forget to make the compulsory left move. Jealousy occupies us.

The basic difference lies in the fact of how we consider jealousy to be with us, as a motivational friend or as a destroying enemy. 

As a friend it can help us achieve something, nobody, not even you yourself, had expected to realize. And as an enemy it can easily take away all the pride and honor of being your own self.

Jealousy is the mental aspect of our lives. We as humans are physical beings and have very strong physical facets towards our overall personality. When liking and being with someone is not attached with the sense of belongingness and goes to extent of being only physical, it changes to LUST.

Lust is the physical aspect of our life.

Lust knows taking, no giving. Love only gives. Lust is where we want us to be satisfied first and foremost. No one else matters. Lust bounds us to the material physical aspect wherein we couldn’t even approach anything else but physicality.

It comes and goes like ego. It doesn’t linger on. It keeps on fluctuating and blows away like sand or rises like mountains. Its an extreme. Like there lies another extreme feeling, another aspect of life which we humans possess to the core of our existence. We tend to be what we become because this feeling shows us the path to proceed ahead, a feeling base of peace in world. We all possess a feeling capable enough of mending and bending all ways and obstacles in accordance to the final destination. This is called LOVE and this is the third aspect of our being, the spiritual aspect.

Love is nothing but a feeling of seeing the person you are in love with to be happy, even at the cost of your own. We all love ourselves the most. More than anyone and anything else, we are our own ‘the most desirable’.But love changes all.

Love has many forms, many ways of expressions and many attributes. Love in the broadest of perspectives means selflessness, while in the most individualistic of approaches mean selfishness. Love cannot be defined. It exists. It does. We have felt it, deep somewhere inside us. We have time and again found ourselves being in love. We love ourselves, our families, our friends, our jobs, our possessions, our goals, our dreams; we even love our denim jacket and the torn pair of jeans. So it is associated with each and every move we make, no matter how big or small that is to the context of our voyages.

Love in the purest form is the love for the almighty. Because love never demands, love only provides and supports. It strengthens. It justifies. It makes us feel absolute.

Love has many forms and flavors. It is a shared responsibility where everything one does is for the sole purpose of achieving and fulfilling the love. So love unconditionally and be jealous to achieve. Life moves on.

- Arun Arora

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