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Being Woman - A Taboo Is It ?

Posted by Sumitra Puri - -

From Driving to Make up, from Behavior to Emotional Endurance, a woman has to go through prejudiced dogma in Men's world. Whereas Men cause maximum number of deaths by road accidents, contradictory behaviour and emotions, loud with insensitivity, beat and rape women, and they judge ??

'Being Woman - A Taboo Is It' - Our special column to highlight the issues women have been facing every day, in every house or every street. We talked about the Man of our dreams all these years, now we will talk about the Man we don't want even in our dreams.      

Disha Joshi, works with a finance giant, shares few pieces of her Life..

"I love being a woman...in fact I am proud”
I am 32 – but along these years I have felt differently about being a woman. In fact for a couple of years, I could not breathe in my own skin!
Often I hear anecdotes or comments that women are so difficult to understand … and GUESS WHAT - I agree to it. Yeah, I am a difficult woman to understand - I cry when I am happy...I am quiet when I am upset, I speak a lot when I am anxious and I am often trying to be happy whatever the circumstances are.

I was raised in India in a home that never made me feel that there was a difference between a boy and a girl. However, chauvinism runs deep in the country – it’s natural for most men to be authoritative, to assume that they know it all – and all women are at best - secondary.
I hear statements from “beware woman driving” to “it’s not your cup of tea” or perhaps “you cannot even make tea”!!

But the woman today will not be stopped by these trivializing efforts – and I was not. I continued to follow my dream. To me successful today looks like a trained juggler … when I can balance my professional and personal life. Towards the end of the day, I can sleep contently that all my tasks have been done with utmost sincerity, devotion and care.

The moment you say woman – the word beauty echoes. For me, beauty is not just ensuring that the eye brows are perfect and the “skin” tone is right! Of course, in this world where the “judgment” box starts off the moment some one looks at you, physical beauty is important. Like it or not – mostly it is the first impression that takes it forward. I like to be presentable most of the time and invest some time in dressing well and trying to eat right . However, for me the “fitness” of the emotional body is the imperative. A woman is a mother, sister, wife, daughter & a friend and by nature – compassionate. But, an unstable person cannot be. I have learnt to be emotionally strong and secure and it has been a long journey – to love myself, to be aware of my strengths and weaknesses, to be able to take care of myself, to be able to believe that I have the inner power, God’s guidance and infinite potential to care and do what I need to do. How was that possible – circumstances I was put through, being religious and spiritual & regular inner reflections and support from my family.

Lastly, so what does a woman want? She wants to be treated like your alter ego. To forgive her as you forgive yourself, to support her “crazy” projects as you do yours and to hold her hand when she has upset you the most – because its then she needs it the most.

- Disha Joshi

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