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Being Mother..

Posted by Sumitra Puri - -

A human being's first intimate relationship is the mother-child relationship. A human being's first encounter with intimate behavior is with his or her mother during the act of breast-feeding. The baby obtains nourishment and a sense of being at safe place from mother's milk. The love between mother and an infant is the result of a bond formed during the first year of life. As a result of sensitivity and responsiveness on the part of the caregiver, an infant may develop a "secure" attachment. Infants who develop this “secure" attachment, feels confident and at ease when relating to others. They learn how to take turns, how to lead and follow, and how to express and receive. This secure bond serves and provides the earliest pattern for warm and close relationship called “The mother-child relationship”.

Kids are very satisfied with attention and affection from mothers. However, mothers always want to give more. Mother's unconditional love looks after physical and mental well being of kids to make sure that they are happy and will have a bright future. Mother showers her unconditional love in every situation whether child is good or bad, well or ill, smart or has special needs. Kids are happy to have the warmth and security of home and family. It is the Mother, whose untiring love and affection towards children and her selfless desires to see her children grow and flourish makes children capable to cope with unseen tyrannies of life. Mothers are builders of nations.

Truly said,

“A mother is special; she's more than a friend.
Whenever you need her, she'll give you a hand.”

This beautiful relationship goes through trial when children grow. Their needs and surroundings change. They go to college, make friends, choose career as priority, marry and have their own kids. Life's changes affect mother-child relationship and economy has caused distance not only in kilometers but in hearts as well! But unknowingly, they both know that their hearts beat for each other.

There's a way to bridge this gap. As children grow and have views of their own, it is important for mothers to keep communicating and listening to their children, to recognize their changes and needs with an open mind and deep understanding. This understanding which means giving a free space to children is a sacrifice on both ends to nurture future of children. Its hard but a much-needed requirement to keep this relationship bridged strongly forever.

The irony is, every mother forgets this basic rule of evolution and deny to accept that its time for her to loosen these ties. The sense of insecurity ruins this pristine relationship if there is no ease on both ends. Letting children make their own choices, decisions, and mistakes is very hard. The hardest task for a mother is to let them grow away from her. Mothers tend to hold on tighter when a child starts to drift. This is the time when it is important for a mother to trust in herself. The efforts and guidance that was given to her child while growing up was done right and that the road they choose will be the best they can do for themselves. Now they know the right and wrongs of life and grows into a well-rounded adult.

On the other hand, when children do not give due respect and turn out to be irresponsible, arrogant and unthankful than the agony she suffers deep within herself is extremely painful yet she swallows these harsh and stressful moments with a smile and doesn't reveal her pain and distrust to anybody. It is these very tragic moments in the life of a woman. The adults should and must understand such tragedies and restrain the behavior. So, we must teach our tiny tots the importance of parenthood and in particular the Motherhood. The biggest challenge a woman may ever have is the job of a mother, but along with the challenges comes the greatest rewards life can give to a woman. It is the respect, honor, forgiveness, peace and above all everlasting love which will be embedded forever in our memories. The importance and respect of Mother and Child relationship which they should and must understand in order to lay a strong foundation over which humanity structure will be built.

‘Salute to all Mothers’

 - By Pushpi Ola
    Guest Blogger.

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