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I am a Facebooker.

Posted by Sumitra Puri - -

Its almost been three lofty years when i first stepped into this elephantine social media called FACEBOOK. After a bit of hemming and hawing, skepticism, agitation and apprehension, i finally managed to scribe one or two lines my mind carried for long and as a result, i witnessed some wrinkles off my temple. I found a friend that day, an ideal friend we all long for, in the famine of trust and time.

A candid poet, an imperfect writer, a home pilot with a halter skelter chronology of two most critical roles of being a mother and a life-partner, an exhausted economically obligated traveler, and most importantly, a sensitive soul in a woman found a corner, very owned corner.

I abide by my heart and pursued what Facebook is meant for. I scribbled, and scribbled and scribbled. What people in my contacts anticipate, isn't on my mind, i acknowledged FACEBOOK as my Friend, so i am dishing out to a good friend. Publicly of course, not everything is private and personal, if there's any, beyond doubt, that has been kept within the closed doors and walls.

Accrediting a good movie or a momentous experience, a buttoned up thought, an appetizing delight, straight from the heart poetry, color palate of an unknown painter, unharming buffoonery, soulful songs, and everybody's passion today called photography, with Facebook, each local aesthetics could respite, me too.

I heard rattles that technical socializing is becoming an obsession, jeopardizing relationships, especially because viable personal & social communications is curtailed to cold mechanic insensitive page piler, where real sense of self-communication taken over by public demonstration, when time machine malfunctions and turns some moments into hours and where not 'WE' but 'ME' takes a lead.

However, every coin has two sides. I perceive Facebook more dependable, truthful and reliable let out than choosing wrong friends who lack time, credence, likemindedness and above all, an honest standpoint. We have a tendency to overcome the obstacles, to find the vaccine of virus we create ourselves, we mend the rules to prosper our homes in the end.

For me, Facebook is a vent to oxygenate, a canvas for an artist to paint on, a piano to play some unheard elementary musical notes, a mirror to adore my own beauty, a friend with unconditional space just for me, exfoliates congestion off my mind and adds Life to my life. Im a Facebooker!

-Sumitra Puri

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