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Ovulation and Conception

Posted by Sumitra Puri - -

A Woman encounters hormonal turbulence and emotional riddles all her life. She finds herself caught in monthly hula hoop called Menstrual Cycle. A biological cycle to create human life which goes through several stages in a month's time. The most important stage is OVULATION, when an egg is formed to meet sperm to create another life. Generally the process of Ovulation is a repeated travel of follicles from ovary through fallopian tubes nearly 15 days before menstrual cycle. A successful mature egg meets sperm in fallopian tube and forms a fertilized egg that continues its journey and sets itself on the safe wall of  mother's uterus as placenta, here tiny fetus will get all the necessary nutrients and blood supply to grow.

But things are other way round sometimes.

What if things are not happening the way they meant to be? What if your menstrual cycle is not regular? What if you have no clue when ovulation occurs in your body? What if you have been trying for years but not able to conceive? What when doctors claim something and something else happens? What when your inner self signals something but science has some other theories?And when you are not getting answers to all your questions? Well, I'll try to answer your questions in this article on the basis of my personal face to face experience with similar tyranny of life.

Human body is complex, and a woman's body, even more!! Knowledge is substantial key. Knowing our body and its functioning is first step to a healthy life. In ancient ages, medical science was not advanced and no tools to determine any abnormality in our physical mechanism. We were dependent upon body's reaction to allergies, functional disorders, changes in metabolism & body temperature, signals from senses, and emotional/behavioral pattern. Today also when things are not functioning normally and science fails to determine the cure and responsible factors, the same historical reasoning works! Our body tells us. It signals if there's something wrong. We have to listen to it. Yes, despite irregularity in monthly cycle, ovulation occurs! Our body indicates vital clues as ovulation begins.
Here are some signs when ovulation occurs with or without regular menstrual cycle :- 

  1. You are wet. You'll notice cervical mucus, sometimes so uncontrollable that you'll have to change underpants number of times in a day! Cervical mucus is off white/egg white in color and turns transparent or thin in texture when you are highly ovulating. Its a welcoming sign for sperm and egg meet. Mucus makes it easier for sperms to travel long way towards egg in fallopian tube.

  2. You encounter distinct smell. You'll get conscious of this 'different' smell coming out of you. Don't worry, its pleasant and attractive for your Man! There are biological reasons for so, perhaps something like 'Animal instincts' :).

  3. You feel sexiest! You'll feel hot hot! You would want to pull your man to bed!! You'll feel a strong sensation to mate. I would call this also 'Animal instincts'!! |

  4. You feel best in your shape. All of a sudden you feel sexy shapey and some kilos light! It is generally said that a woman is in her best shape during ovulation. Touch the soft feel around your waist and curves. You feel tender and lighter!

  5. Your body temperature is higher than normal days! Because you are actually getting Hotter and progesterone working in full swing! If you are unaware of your ovulation cycle, start making a  daily body temperature chart at one particular time in a day. Notice the days when there is rise in temperature and relate all other signs as well!

  6. You have usual back pain. Pain varies too. Sometimes its in lower back, or lower abdomen, or in pelvic!! Pelvic pain relates to ovulation more often!

  7. Your mouth is watering. You drool over yummier food, favorite dress, sexy shoes, or even a charming man! You enjoy sex as a yummy retreat. Believe me, next time when your mouth is watering for no reason, you are ovulating!!

Recipe for a blossoming /fruitful attempt :-

Now when you are planning to conceive, keep everything ready, including yourself! Readings of all the signs, hot sexy lingerie, flowers, candles, aromatic scents all around, and a positively ready mind! It is said that a woman conceives successfully when she deeply enjoys making love. This makes a healthy fetus as well (rumors has it)!!

Time is a crucial factor here. Because just one egg appears every month or once in months in case of irregular cycle. And that egg lives only for 24 hours! Since exact time frame is not known, minimum two intercourse attempts in a day are recommended with a difference of 10-12 hours. Try for 5 days (at least) as soon you see and feel symptoms! Idea is not to miss any opportunity!! If both partners want to give more than 100%, try for 15 days around the time symptoms occur!

Position matters! Missionary position is best known to conceive! After finishing intercourse, it is recommended to put a pillow or two under and keep legs upwards for next 10 minutes! Don't take any chance of losing any sperm especially when 99.9% of them will vanish on the way! Keeping legs up will make an easy and quick access for sperms to reach egg. 

Being happy is important. Positive attitude and happiness keeps your hormones in perfect shape, which helps in developing healthy ovaries thus a healthy embryo! Exercising regulates hormones and happiness. For planning a pregnancy, you have to work towards maintenance of healthy lifestyle. A healthy heart, body and mind make healthy child!  

If medical theory collides with your sensory signals :- 

It happens!! I'd been trying to get pregnant for a long time. This time hCG tests came positive 4 months after my last menstrual cycle. Initially doctor guessed it as 12 week's pregnancy! But she concluded fetus as blighted ovum (failed egg sac) and decided for a D&C on the basis of my irregular cycle history, thyroid, and no movement of fetus as per ultrasound report.
But since i was keeping a record of every change in my body, i refused to agree with my doctor and waited for next two weeks for another ultrasound and voila, i was right!! At the time she suggested D&C, baby in me was two week's living fetus!!  Thanks to knowledge i had about my own body!! Well, i changed my gynae immediately!! Today that two week's fetus is turned into a four year old healthy beautiful girl!!

It can happen to you as well! Listen to your body! People have different affects of life's ups and downs on their bodies. Be careful and concerned about changes in you, especially when you are planning a family! Be your own doctor before you plan to visit a doctor! Learn to understand signals our body responds to! Trust your own senses! Most importantly, believe in yourself!

Happy trying!

-Sumitra Puri.

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