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While You Create Life - Must Do's

Posted by Sumitra Puri - -

Congratulations! You are going to be a mommy soon! Initial excitement of embracing new life is now taken over by worries of pregnancy multiplicities, depression, skin concerns, stretch marks and fear of not coming back into shape again!! Well we cant deny these facts but can suggest you ways to minimize your worries significantly!

List of very basic To-Do's to avoid any exigencies:-


Know your body. The best approach to avoid any condition is to have proper knowledge about functioning of own body through experienced friends, mom, pregnancy books, magazines, television telecasts and most importantly, easily approachable pregnancy websites.  

We give babycenter.com a 100/100 for their kind of services!

Books, magazines or websites will help you to cope up with the pressure and will update on daily/weekly progress of your baby. Plus you'll know about variety of latest products and services that can make your special days more special and help you plan your baby shopping. You'll have right idea of quality, brands and prices before you buy.


Keep visiting your doctor regularly! Share minutest details about your health. Small things you ignore could be fatal for the fetus inside. Any changes like fever, flu, rashes, blisters, allergies, itching, coughing need an immediate check! Get all necessary tests done without a second thought for your child's safe and healthy life!

Its time to eat all the good, healthy and hygienic food you read and heard about! Eat more of greens, salads, fruits, fiber and liquids like juices, milk, green/lemon tea etc. Your body and tiny life inside you is not in position to take junk in!  If you want your weight to be in control and your kid to have a healthy life, Eat Healthy! Say affirmative NO to unhealthy food and drinks. AVOID HOT AND SPICY FOOD!  

Drink plenty of water and liquids. Your body is under construction, Its working over time. Each drop of liquid in your body is put into the development of embryo and its protecting pouch called Amniotic Fluid. Dehydration in you or your baby's pouch can cause disastrous fatalities! Drink more liquids than solid food. NO ALCOHOLS AT ALL!

Take supplements! As mentioned above, your body is working over time. You are short of essential nutrients, vitamins, proteins and salts! During pregnancy, our food cannot cope with speedy shortage. Therefore supplements play a vital role. SUPPLEMENTS ARE A MUST!

Morning Sickness is an inevitable part for some. And it just doesn't happen in morning, it happens anytime! Your stomach is shifting upwards and changing size to make adjustments for growing baby. Hormonal changes also play their part. You are irritated by certain annoying smells.You are loosing nutrients and water. Thus eating nutritious food is critical. Take small quantities at frequent times. Eat things that comforts you. Drink more water and as we suggested, drinking lemonade or any other smoothies will help. Pills are also available.

Our suggestion:- Choose certain tastes for you. Some like tasting lemon drops and some like eating mud :). Our hormones are funny sometimes, make us do funny things! Find your anti-sickness key.    


Physical fitness is crucial. Moderate exercising is recommended especially in 1st trimester when embryo is yet not attached to uterus wall perfectly. And 3rd trimester as well because baby is gaining weight and her vital organs are developing. Avoid heavy workouts, twisting, jumping, picking heavy weight, or any other strenuous work can put both mother and baby in extreme risk. Let your gym instructor know. Regular safe exercising controls extensive weight gain and will make postnatal weight loss easier!

Seek help/counseling when depressed or stressed. Call friends, family or professional guidance. Don't delay as every minute wasted in depression affects not only your health and beauty but baby's health as well! Yoga, meditation works deeply. Exhale inhale lightly, have a nice cup of  tea or follow our 5 steps to beat the blues to recover faster! 

Make social circle, have family time. Plan gatherings with friends and family. Stay in regular touch with them on phone or in person. Share every moment of joy with partner. Go shopping, watch TV together. Avoid outer interference/influence between you, your partner and your unborn!! Seek mom's advice. Avoid company of those who don't understand criticalities of your situation!

Feel special. You deserve to be treated as princess and you are. You are creating life. You are officially allowed to be fat now :). Spread smiles around and get abundance of love and care in return! All the good words will have good impact on you and your child for years to come.


Skin care is a must these days. Some of you will encounter serious skin issues like pigmentation, darkening of skin, dehydration, dryness, acne etc.

Here are the tips to care skin while you create life:-

a) Drink plenty of water, soups. Eat fruits and salads two times a day. Drink lemonade. Good on health, skin and morning sickness as well.

b) Use protective creams. Choose trusted brands. Apply sunscreen, a must! Your skin is fragile these days, choose products carefully.

c) Moderate exercising and mild hot shower keeps skin clean. Apply moisturizing creams/oils immediately after shower for speedy nourishment.

d) Remove makeup before going to bed. Use night creams. Skin lightening creams applied overnight will be more effective in recovery from pigmentation.

Our suggestion:-  Cleopatra's Secret #1 & Secret #2 is a sure shot solution. 

Hair Care is not bothersome anymore.This is one area where you are free of any worry for whole year now. Your tresses will grow longer, beautiful, shiny and thick! Enjoy variety of hair styling. Its all hormones :). Hair on body will also be more than ever before. Regular wax or any other hair removers will help. Avoid razors these days.

Be a Fashionable cutexy. Ladies,you look sexy during pregnancy as well. Flaunt your cute tummy. Show it off! Explore maternity clothing stores. They have best of styles, fabrics and fashion for you. Wear bigger accessories that suits your cute big tummy. You can wear stretchable fabrics from any of your favorite fashion brand as well. Wear beautiful colors. Remember you are special now. You are princess, and you deserve the best. 


Stretch marks are nightmare for women. This is one of the reason women delay in family planning. Localfashioners are telling you very silly methods to control stretch marks remarkably up to 90%, if followed religiously, no stretch marks will appear at all.

How stretch marks appear? Your tummy was small before you conceived. Now its getting bigger everyday. Its using all the elasticity in skin to stretch up. Basically skin tissues are expanding. After delivery of baby, tummy resumes its size slowly but it is loose now and lines of pull appear clearly. These are called stretch marks. Sometimes covering them forever or plastic surgery are the only options left. Covering forever is self pity. Not everyone can afford plastic surgery either and there's no guarantee that you'll come out alive!

Control on stretch marks starts from initial days. 

a) We used the word 'elasticity'. You have to provide extra elasticity to your skin by applying plenty of moisture. Keep your tummy moist from the day when you see tummy turning slightly bigger and heavier than its normal shape. Moisture will make skin cells extra elastic to balloon up without putting much pressure and prevents skin tissues to break.   

b) DO NOT SCRATCH AT ALL. Light stretch marks are normal but women go through awful  self-consciousness when skin looks wobbly with zigzag uneven clearly visible lines on stomach.

Such lines appear only because of one silly mistake and that is scratching!! More you scratch, more deeper and permanently extrusive lines would become.Your skin is delicate these days and any kind of harsh treatment will cause extensive damage to skin tissues. Apply easily available soothing creams. Remember to pick trusted ones only. Moisturizing will help always. Whenever itch reappears, move your hand smoothly and slightly on tummy, with soothing cool creams on it. DO NOT SCRATCH. 

Be smart. Take extra care of yourself. Do all efforts to maintain self and baby's overall health. Don't put fashion and beauty aside. Always feel like a princess and come out as beautiful, healthy yummy Queen mummy.

For any other queries and issues, please write in to us at info@localfashioners.com. We would like to hear if this article helped you.

Happy Parenting!

Copyright © 2011 Localfashioners
-Sumitra Puri.

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