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5 Easy Steps To Lose Weight

Posted by Sumitra Puri - -

5 simple steps that can bring huge difference in your appearance in 4 weeks- A promise by Sumitra Puri

Eat Calculated Calories: If you are overweight, its critical for you to lose more calories everyday than calories consumed.

Here's how;
-Make a weekly chart.
-Pen down everything you eat with appropriately calculated calories mentioned on packets or check with Google.
-If your intake is more than 1600 calories a day, its alarming!
-Divide whole day food consumption in 400 calorie diet each. Take 3 diets a day (if you wanna lose quickly) or take 4 meals a day(if you wanna lose moderately).

Drink warm water: Drinking warm water 5-7 minutes after meals helps in good digestion and a fast action on fat before it reaches its permanently deposited fatty family in your body! If taken 4-5 times a day, warm water acts on hard fat as well!
Squeeze a Lemon and Go: Make a habit of storing water in a container at home or keep your own water bottle wherever you go for one good reason that you can squeeze in a lemon. Lemon is like sharp knife on unwanted body fat! Make lemon water an integral routine and cut the bugger into pieces. Once the strong hold of fat is divided, regular exercise and moderate diet control works effectively. Make the right use of divide and rule policy ;). Lemon water has other known health benefits as well! 

Turn Office/Home in mini Olympic ground:  Add variety of physical activities to make workouts easier, entertaining and effective!

Here's How;
-Start with 20 jumps; gives a good shake to fats & boosts blood circulation.
-10 push ups; tones muscles and strengthens bones.
-10 upper body twists; shape up your waist and shoulders.
-10 arm movements (like fan and bird flight); shapes arms and upper back. 
-10 neck rotations (clockwise & anticlockwise); shapes neckline.
-20 floor paddling rotations; lie down on floor or bed on your back, move legs as you are cycling. Helps in shaping tummy, hips and legs even faster.
-5 minute (or more) walks; In your living room or balcony, office parking or cabinet corridors, wherever you feel, just begin it!Be a motivator for other also! Be a leader!

Or make your own list of interesting physical activities!

12 hour fast magic: This actually works! Not asking you to stay hungry! Just schedule your mealtime and bedtime in a way that you don't have to eat anything for 12 hours. Take your dinner 2 hours before you sleep, have complete 8 hour nap, adjust rest of 2 hours with one juice/tea/coffee. Which means no solid food for 12 hours! This strategy keeps you disciplined, improves sleeping pattern, gives body extra time to work efficiently on stored food and leaves you with very little time to munch :).   

Start following the above mentioned pattern today. Note down current body weight and compare 4 weeks after! You'll not be disappointed! 

Good Luck, Keep Trying!

-By Sumitra Puri

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One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    i liked it sumitra its so helpful:)

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