Local Fashioners

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10 Best Mates for Workouts

Posted by Sumitra Puri - -

Local Fashioners have chosen 10 best mates as wave makers in your fitness regime, a guideline for your sports shopping.

1.  Crops or Sports Bra-  Sturdier than typical bras, minimize breast movement, alleviate       discomfort, and reduce potential damage to chest ligaments.

2.  Sports Pants-  Capri, Trackies, Bootleg, Cargo, shorts etc. Wear anything that gives you a sense of comfort, style, protection from weather and injuries.

3.  Sports Tights- Made specifically for cyclists and runners, could regulate your body's temperature, allows normal rate of perspiration. Because of which, temperature of body stabilizes to halter over-heating of the body. Also, reduces resistance to the wind while cycling.

4.  Tops-  Singlets, Rugby Shirts, Tees, Zip through tops. Wear whatever is comfortable and suitable according to your surroundings, locality and weather. Cottons are the best.

5.  Headbands and Hair toggles- Actually works. Tying up your hair while workouts adds extra comfort and keeps you focused.

6.  Water bottle- Keep water with you while workouts. Prevents dehydration and detoxify your system. Boiled or filtered water is recommended.

7.  Sunscreen/ Sunblocks /Hats- Recommended for summers and winters as well. Outdoorists are more susceptible to Sun burn and Skin cancer.

8.  Shoes- The best of all. Your true companion. Chose right size and reliable brand. Wrong choice can ruin your feet. 

9.  Music- Another best mate. I-pod, MP3 Player or list of your favorite songs in your mobile phone. Works miraculously. Gives you an extra support and motivation to cover few more miles. Combination of dedicated workouts and music is good for brain and body.

10. Passion- Last but not the least, your passion to achieve targets and strength to fight against yourself. Enjoy the success in every kilometer you map, every calorie you loose, and every minute you give yourself.  

-Sumitra Puri

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