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Cleopatra's Beauty Secrets #1

Posted by Sumitra Puri - -

You always have wondered what your beautiful neighbor does to manage her lustrous skin, who spends no time and money in beauty saloons and yet not getting older! On the other hand, you have been spending fortune in beauty therapies to end up in ever reducing bank balance and never ending skin issues. Well, that neighbor of yours have revealed her Cleopatra beauty secrets to Local Fashioners. We'll share all those untold secrets one by one in our weekly Natural Beauty Secret guide, some of them you might have heard rumors about.

                                                        SECRET # 1

Lets begin with much popular, the Kings and Queens of kitchen beauty secrets, Lime and Lemons, best natural formula for inside out sparkling clean and a refreshing flavor before and after an exhausting day.

Lime is green, small, round shaped and Lemon is a big, oval, yellow citrus fruit. Both possess similar qualities, are the powerhouse of Vitamin C, B6, Potassium, Folic Acid, Flavonoids and rich phytochemical Limonene. A rich source of fresh energy and detoxifying elements, regular consumption and application gives you clear skin, clean stomach, balanced digestive system, weight control, positivity and hundreds of other medicinal benefits.

Simply cut and squeeze in water, or with honey in warm water to lose weight, or rub the peel on face for a clear skin or a few drops in hair for dandruff free natural shine. You can dry out left overs (peel) to grind for a face pack powder. This alkaline ball of sour juice works wonders for you in every possible way till its last breath.

The highest content of Limonene is found in the white spongy inner parts of the lemon.  When juicing a lemon, put in the whole fruit together with the peel, to get the most nutrition out of it. Make it a habit to put in cut limes/lemons (together with peel) into your drinking water or juices, to enjoy all its medicinal properties. You can store lime/lemon juice as ice cubes or ready made Lime squeeze are available these days on shelves, a smart time saving quick fix! Limes and lemons can be stored in fridge for up to two weeks, can lose flavor and nutritional contents if stored for long.   
Remember, the key is, not over doing. In case of lime/lemons too, excessive usage can damage internal body organs, can cause dehydration and some allergies too. Use in moderation. So Ladies, start using our first mantra to get naturally clean skin and system.

Sumitra Puri

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